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Welcome to the Old School Yard

So, you have been to the market and bought some of our oil, or perhaps some very nice person gave you some as a gift, or better still, you came and helped at harvest and walked away with a 750ml bottle of your very own. What can you do with it? Here are a few ideas.........

You can write to olive@oldschoolyard.co.nz for any enquiries.

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Want some oil?

You can usually find us at the Orewa market on Sunday   morning 0800 to 1230 from Labour weekend to Easter:

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Creamy dressing

In a small jar, squeeze in the juice of half a lemon,
a couple of crushed garlic cloves,
salt and pepper,
1/2 cup of plain yogurt and;
 1/3 cup of  Old School Yard olive oil.
Screw on the lid and shake until your wrist hurts.
Drizzle this creamy dressing on your salad.


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Feta basil tomato salad

Crumble a handful of Puhoi feta cheese into a bowl.
Generously smother with  Old School Yard olive oil.
Thickly slice a nice big juicy beef steak tomato and toss that in.
Nip out to the garden and grab a handful of basil leaves and throw those in.
Mix the lot around and call it a salad. Enjoy!

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What is more natural for that summer salad than home made mayonnaise:

Into your blender toss an egg, (some people use just the yolk) a good squeeze of lemon juice, salt and pepper, and a teaspoon of Dijon mustard. Voom the lot together briefly. Now PATIENTLY drizzle a cup of Old School Yard olive oil in while the blender is running. If you fall asleep while you are doing this then you are probably going about the right speed. When the cup is empty the mayonnaise is probably ready. Enjoy.

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Other events

The Orewa farmers market is the each Sunday morning. Smack in the middle of Orewa. In front of Hillary square. By the round about. Opposite McDonalds. You can't miss it.

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Waiwera Valley Association

Our community has an active association helping with local activities and initiatives and bridge repairs!

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