Welcome to all previous visitors

At the old school yard, we get by with a little help from a group of itinerant workers known as wwoofers. Travelers who want to sample a bit of kiwi life and learn how we operate an olive grove organically.

Wwoofers help us with many tasks in the groves and in the extensive garden around the house. Even painting the house. We try to show our appreciation by incorporating them in to our family life and showing them the local district. We take them kayaking, shopping, to the market, etc. They seem to usually have a great time. I am not sure what we would do without them.

We have had wwoofers from; USA, Canada, Germany, France, Holland, England, Denmark, Italy. Some (but not all) of our woofers and what they have helped us with:

Nicki and Yanik, Leon, Anna and Danie..  Kara and George  Catlyn and Eric.  Camille and Florian.  Catherine.   Yasmin.  Malin, Charlotte and Yasmin.  Amanda and Aenne.  Oliver.  Josephin and Steven. Robin and Annie. Fritz and Antigoni.  Julie and Vincent.  Jack and Alice, Fabienne, Louise, Megan and Jeron, Lennart and Jana, Karen and Loic. Sylvia. Charles and Emeliene.

WWOOFERs have helped us........

Prune the olive trees There are nearly twooooo hundred trees. If I do two a day, well you work it out.

Build a pizza oven

Plant a new Cyprus Pine hedge for future firewood.

Tryt Kim Chi. Made so much chutney.

Grow an entire years supply of garlic!. A great achievement.

Finished painting the pool!

Paint the verandah, paint the new bathroom, paint the balustrade. (there's a pattern here)

Plant a new citrus orchard.

Re-organise the entire vegetable garden. Go Jeron and Megan!

Actually finished the outside bath! And boy does it look good!

Build a shed. Well a frame anyway.

Here are some photos of what we have done together.