Photos of previous guests achievements

See what our wonderful wwoofers have achieved

Bamboo Fence
2017 Alice and Jack did a marvelous job completing my brilliant idea.....
This bamboo fence to shelter the vegetable garden.
Garlic crop
Nice crop of garlic in front of the glass house
Lovely crop of garlic
Nicely growing Rosemary and Lavender plants on the bank
Pizza oven
This is John and Lou. Cathy was there somewhere
Ollenbolen from Armande and Hanna
How could we ever forget Cathy
New vege garden
Harvest 2017
New garden thanks to Jeron and Megan
Harvest 2017. a convivial day for all.We picked 1.3Tonne. Thats a lot of olives.
New vege garden
New shed
Lennart and Jana. Pruning, chainsaw style. Two lovely girls from Thailand cleared the entire grove!
Loic and Karen standing gleefully in front of their creation. Now I must make a roof!
Bath time
A roof!
Too wet to work in the groves, so Loic and Karen finished the bath
      I am making a roof!

Loic and Karens' last creation before they departed. The wall.