In the 1870's the local community petitioned the fledgling colonial government for some help in running a local school. The children had to either walk over Noakes hill to Puhoi or down the Upper Waiwera road to the Waiwera school. They were successful. The school was finally built of kauri milled on the site in 1879. In 1881 they had a fund raising dance to help with preparation of the grounds. This was a local education site and the hub of the local community from then until 1964. By then roads had improved somewhat and a free school bus service meant that the country schools could be consolidated. Our place was one of the schools closed and the property sold. The school class room was transferred to Silverdale primary for a few years and then to the Silverdale pioneer village.
In those days the government built the resident teacher a house at the school. This is the house that we now live in. It is somewhat modified and expanded but in keeping with the original Edwardian style. It was built in 1910 after the original house burnt down on 2nd June 1904.
Around 1950 the local community used their farming equipment to level a bit of ground and the education department tar-sealed it. This was the schools all-weather playground. It served as a well used tennis court for the locals in the weekends.
At some stage a cenotaph (soldiers memorial) was erected in
what was then the school grounds. This is at our entrance.
It commemorates the community members who served in both the
world wars, including those who did not return.
We are the third owner since it was a school. Incidentally, my paternal granddad went to school here and met grandma! The olive trees were planted by previous owner circa year 2001. We arrived in 2009 and have been managing the property organically since then. Growing flowers (OSY blooms) and providing a wedding celebrant service in the local area, Waiwera, Wainui, Orewa, Waitoki. You get the idea.