Wedding Celebrant services

John McConnell, a local resident and wedding celebrant here in the lovely Waiwera valley. A tad north of Auckland.
AND: Olive and Bloom flowers. We can do your wedding flowers as well! See here.

So you are getting married - congratulations

What is next? Well you nip over to the Dept of Internal Affairs  (DIA) and.... have to name a celebrant on the license application. This can be changed on the fly but if you choose a wedding celebrant now (choose me!) then DIA know who to send stuff to.

Here's a few really important things to know:

  • You need to arrange your licence at least 3 working days before you get married.
  • It expires after 3 months.
  • If you’re using a celebrant, they have separate fees.
  • Only one of you needs to complete the application, but you need information about both of you.

Here's a handy pdf with lots of useful information for you both. Or read it on this page.

Try my phone 0800 222 812   OR:  mob or SMS: 0274 533 907   OR: email:

But actually it is me at

Next thing you know, you will happily married and well on your way through life's exciting adventure together. I'm just the launch pad. You two are in the wedding rocket together. 5-4-3-2-1....

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