Wedding Celebrant Services

John McConnell, a local resident and wedding celebrant here in the lovely Waiwera valley. A tad north of Auckland.
AND: Olive and Bloom flowers. We can do your wedding flowers as well! See here.

His story

Once upon a time, someone said to john, Hey would you marry us? What? Who me! Don't be silly. But after John had rolled on the floor laughing and guffawing, he picked himself up and did some research. During this time when recalling the story, various people said "nah, you'd be good at that". So John enrolled in the Celebrant School and began his studies. Two courses later (essentially basic and advanced) He is a qualified and registered legal to marry you wedding celebrant. An endorsed member of VCANZ.

So, what can we do for you?

Once you have decided to get married, there are so many things that you want to ask. Some you will already have pretty good ideas about. Like Who and where for instance. But how? Well there is so much online help and of course you could phone my free phone 0800 222 812 for a chat. The best place to begin is by checking the NZ government Department of Internal Affairs, births deaths and marriages. There you can read all about it, apply for your license, yep you need a license, and hand over your money. You can find me on their find a celebrant page here. Type in my name "John McConnell" and with luck you will see a page like this:

There he is

You can see that I am sort of up stream a bit from Waiwera where the famous hot pools used to be. Of course I have a car and can travel to your venue within a reasonable distance. As an avid member of the Green Party Aotearoa and supporter of Greenpeace, I'm not about to hop in a coal fired aeroplane to some exotic location so you can have some nice photos with a lovely lagoon in the background. Aotearoa has everything you need right here. Most people have a favorite ex-holiday spot or romantic hideaway. That's Ok if if I have to put my boots on and hike up to a summit I'll be there.

If you are getting married anywhere around Orewa, Waiwera, Wainui, Warkworth, etc, you get it, that would be really handy.

Feel free to call 0800 222 812 or drop me a line   I don't (yet) have any social webface stuff but I know how to use zoom and things like that and make a good cup of tea.

What is my style? I am an eco-warrior. If you are in to preserving this beautiful Aotearoa for future generations but still want that special day, I am sure I could accommodate and even help you with green ideas. You don't have to be stingy to be green. It is all about your attitude. Let's have a go.

What is next? Read this next page or skip to the nitty gritty here.

Try my phone 0800 222 812   OR:  mob or SMS: 0274 533 907   OR: email:

But actually it is me at

Next thing you know, you will happily married and well on your way through life's exciting adventure together. I'm just the launch pad.You two are in the wedding rocket together.5-4-3-2-1....